Josua and Zeke

Josua and Zeke

Hello Carol,
In June of 2004 my husband and I adopted 2 cocker boys from Florida Cocker Rescue.
Joshua, a 12 month old black & white party spaniel and Zeke, a beautiful solid black
6 month old puppy, you knew him as Phoenix. They have been treasured members of our
family and have given us many years of unconditional love and puppy kisses. I wanted
to let you know that our dear Zeke passed away on Monday, and to thank you for
bringing these wonderful boys into our lives. Joshua continues to do well, is almost
11 1/2, but does experience the ailments common to senior puppy dogs. Again, I
wanted to say thank you so much for your hard work and sacrifice to help cockers
enjoy the lives that they deserve, and the joy they bring to their forever families.

Kindest Regards,

Mark & Lori Holifer Dad and Mom to Josh & Zeke