

Hello Carol and Karena,

I wanted to send you some updated photos and information on how Redford is doing.

Since we have had Redford now for almost 3 months, he is thriving in his new home in NY. He quickly adjusted to the snow and winter weather, but I am sure he will be looking forward to spring and summer real soon! Redford has been a very quick learner. Within one week, he learned to how to shake a paw, give kisses, and speak. Currently we are still working on "stay" and "come" for commands, as we live in the country, and there are a lot of curious and interesting smells. Redford is still learning to adapt to strangers and/or new people and dogs that he meets. All in all, he is spoiled rotten! He has a bed in about every room of the house, endless amounts of toys, and loves his treats and bones. We love his snuggling and affection! So far, he has brought so much joy to our house and to those who meet him.

These are some updated pictures of him and his new life in NY.

Hope everyone is doing well at the FCSR:-)

Thank you,